Removing Users

Use the Remove User flag to remove users from your project or portfolio.

  1. To remove a user from a project:
    a. Open the Project Directory. This link usually appears in the navigation bar on the left side of the screen on the project homepage under ‘Project Information.'

    b. Select the user to remove and click Edit.

    c. At the bottom of the form, switch Remove User to 'Yes.'

    d. Click Save and Close.

    eA notification is automatically sent to VPO Support to request the removal. The user's permissions to this project will be removed, and they will be removed from the Project Directory. This is usually completed within a few business hours.
  2. To remove a user from the portfolio:
    a. Open Master Contacts. This link usually appears in the navigation bar on the left side of the screen on the Portfolio homepage.

    b. Select the user to remove and click Edit.

    c. At the bottom of the form, switch Remove User to 'Yes.'

    d. Click Save and Close.

    e. A notification is automatically sent to VPO Support to request the removal. All of the user's permissions to VPO will be removed, and they will be removed from Master Contacts and Project Directories. This is usually completed within a few business hours.

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